Friday, March 11, 2022


Outsourcing I.T. Security: Necessity or 


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    Overseeing an organization’s I.T. infrastructure is an overwhelming task, not to mention expensive and time-consuming.  Nowadays, organizations are faced with an array of cyber threats that make them vulnerable.  They found themselves struggling to protect their critical I.T. assets and data.


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    Hiring and training an efficient I.T team in-house could be costly.  Maintaining risk analysis, security applications and equipment are expensive.  Outsourcing I.T. security can cause a significant reduction in the operating expenses.  It gives the organization flexibility through the service provider’s support, expertise and state-of-the-art technology to keep up with the emerging security trends.  The organization can also focus more to core objectives if I.T. security functions are handled by trusted outsource providers.  It will ensure that processes are up to date and compliant with the relevant regulations of the industry, thereby increasing the security of employees and costumers.


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    Though there are a lot of positive consequences to outsourcing, it is not void of issues.  Outsourcing may mean placing sensitive or confidential data in the mercy of an outside entity.  Outsourcing may not be the right option if your organization has a vested interest in maintaining full control over security.  Another drawback is that some service providers are handling I.T. security needs of multiple organizations at once so it may be unable to devote an absolute focus in your organization causing a delay in the resolution of some minor issues.


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    Managing information security outsourcing is usually undertaken in a dynamic cooperation environment.  The service provider and the client organization should cooperate under various contractual arrangements.  The tasks of improving security quality depends on the security effort of both the service provider and the client organization.


Uncertainty business I.T. security pros and cons (n.d.).  Braeden Business System.     Retrieved from

Antonucci, Y.L et al. (1998, June 1).  The pros and cons of I.T. outsourcing
panacea or poison? Journal of Accounting.  Retrieved from                                     

Wu, Y. et al. (2021, January). Managing information security outsourcing in a dynamic cooperation environment.  Journal of the Association of Information                             Systems. 22(3). Retrieved from




Sunday, March 6, 2022

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  i.t. !!!

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A project, whether simple or complex, should end up into a unique, satisfying product, service or result whatever constraints that may appear its way.  In every project, a potential unforeseen event can occur that may  create an impact on a project’s cost, time table or any resources.  These unforeseen events may derail the project’s success.  Projects of wider scope pose challenges in meeting quality, schedule and expectations, so every team member should develop strategic plans to counter or remedy any problem that may arise.  A project manager should be very skillful in recognizing, evaluating and managing any hazard or threat that might appear.

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“Life is full of things you never figured  on” ( a quote by Tayari Jones).  But, by being prepared and by formulating risk management strategies beforehand, you will be able to meet project requirements.  Putting value to project risk management is an important job for every team member.  Maybe, expending time and resources for something that does not happen yet might be too impractical for some project team members.  These team members do no understand the value of being cautious and being prepared.  Indeed, the word “risk” can extract different reactions.  It can suggest a terrifying unknown or it can be a positive drive.  Whatever the connotation of risk is, every project manager must confront risk head on, and every team member should understand the significance of project risk management.

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    So this is for all team members.  “We come across risks in every part of our lives, we can’t say what it is, but we can use our knowledge, experience and attentiveness to remain as vigilant as possible and keep our cool when risk is there.  Remember, the more we anticipate for the unexpected, the less any surprise will thwart our project!”






Handling and Controlling Knowledge in Your Organization: Knows, Hows and Whys

  Image from What is knowledge management?     It is a process of acquiring, creating and sharing knowledge in order to achieve...